Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Mush

Happy Valentine's Day, loves! I'm happy to announce the official opening of my new etsy shop, Mirror Box Studio. I think it's a fitting time to launch a new endeavor that involves something I'm passionate about. I hope you'll enjoy my prints (and tell your friends!) :) Photography reminds me to be thankful for all of the beautiful things I've been blessed to witness in my short lifetime. It has taken me on so many great adventures already, I can't wait to find out what is in store for me next!

Here are some prints currently in my shop, from the John Lennon Wall in Prague, Czech Republic.

For those of you who are interested, the John Lennon Wall started back in the 1980s shortly after his death. It is tucked away in a quiet corner of the city. Czech youths would come to this wall and write his lyrics to promote ideals of love and peace, and although the original paintings are now covered with hundreds of layers, the message remains the same. At one time it served as a way for the Czechs to express themselves under a Communist regime, and today remains a tangible relic of that sentiment. I love the idea that this is not just any wall filled with graffiti, but rather it is filled with a sense of purpose. It has unified people from all over the world to come to this tiny spot on Earth and contribute a little bit of themselves to the wall. I would love to go back there someday and see how different it is now...

Anyway, I'm off to enjoy a not-so-lazy Sunday, celebrating today with my camera, some chocolate, and maybe a bubble bath!